Ausone’s notebook, instalment #amwriting #mondayblogs #cats #IARTG

Hi humans, Monday and here we are. Oh, how I like to use the “pluralis majestatis”.

Today, we will talk about something that is quite close to my heart. Just some little points to consider. If one day, you as a human, have the idea of throwing yourself into the adventure of sharing your life with a cat.

Let’s start with: At first, Good idea. BUT…This is certainly not something that should come out of the blue. We are talking here about sharing your life with a living being, not an object of decoration. Not something that’s just there for some weeks. And then you could give it back and exchange it with something different. This is a decision for several years. A normal cat will live until the age of 12 to 15 years. Could be a bit less could be more. Oldest cat ever was ‘Creme puff’ who lived to the age of 38. Oldest at the moment is ‘Corduroy’ who’s 26. And still going strong.

Where to ‘take’ your feline ? In general you have 3 possibilities. 1. Via a breeder 2. Via an ad and 3. via a shelter

  1. You could. Would I recommend it? No ! You may ask why ? Several reasons. First, pure breeds are a lot more fragile than a regular cat. They cost an arm and a leg, not only if you take ‘em from the breeder. But as they are more fragile you will have a lot more to spend at the vet. Just as an example. I’m a mixture. I visit the vet once, twice a year for my vaccinations (against some bad things like cat Aids and coryza. Both care, at least in the long term deadly for cats. The Siamese before Rashid died of coryza, it’s not funny to watch! Not at all. Cost upwards of 400€, depending on the breed and pedigree.
  2. Via an ad. Rashid and his predecessor (Bibou), both arrived here via an ad. Milady took the decision to wanting one (having me as an example and already having an experience with cats). She paid NOTHING for them. And Rashid is still his annoying self (after 4 years). Both are/were adult cats which means you adapt to them and NOT the other way round. Cost 0€.
  3. The best way, in my humble opinion, via a shelter. There are shelters every where. You have a choice. You can be sure the cats are neutered and had their medical. If you took the decision, go there with an open mind. It’s in general the cat that’s choosing you and not you, choosing the cat. That is if you want it to work. Felines know, humans presume. Never forget that. It will cost you something around 40 € which are the medical costs and nothing more!

Now that you’ve chosen your cat. The cat arrives at your house or flat. First thing, let him explore. Second, forget all the expensive toys that you could find in shops. If the cat is playing with them it’s simply to pleasure YOU. Cats want and need to play. But they do not need fancy things for. An old cork of a wine bottle, a piece of string. That’s all we need.

Show the cat the toilet. And react if he doesn’t like the place or the construction. It’s for YOU. If the cat doesn’t like the place he won’t use it. Don’t put the food next to the toilet. You’re not eating on the loo either. Although they say don’t put the water where the food is. This is something that depends on the cat. It’s working perfect here. If you feed the cat with dry food, the cat needs more to drink. If you use humid food. We may not drink at all. Exchange the water DAILY.

If You have a place, a piece of furniture that we shouldn’t use. Forget the idea. It’s no longer your house or flat. We took it over. And we pay back with love. UNCONDITIONAL love.

Are we complicated? You bet, but humans are complicated too. So why shouldn’t we?

If you should have some questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Ausone (me) is always ready to help and advise.

Today’s photo is an example of what we do with new arriving furniture. Milady likes old sitting furniture even restoring several. The one in the photo, where we are lying upon, was her last acquisition. She still thinks it’s hers.

Les gros 2

See you next week


4 thoughts on “Ausone’s notebook, instalment #amwriting #mondayblogs #cats #IARTG

    1. Kitteny says: I came from a rescue place!!! BUT BUT THIS is the BIG news, Ausone, the new little fur puller arrived this morning. The other fur puller is here and I am hiding under the table, dictating this to the Food woman. The new fur puller might be coming out of hospital later..I guess it’s a bit like when I left the rescue place…they take him out of his pen and put him in a basket, cover it with a blanket and drive him to his new place.. Hope they have toys and a litter tray ready! (His name is Edward., I prefer Kitteny, but that’s already taken)


  1. Hi Kitteny. Be happy that the new fur puller doesn’t have the same name as you. I’m still convinced that the older fur puller will soon start to educate the new one. So you will still only have to deal with one puller. Humans are doing this a tiny bit like cats with their kittens. Not as sophisticated but they do their best. By the way tell your food woman that my food man told her it will be Monday. Edward? Could always be worse. Something like Rashid. But humans are strange. If I’m right you’ll have to congratulate the family of the new fur puller. Do so they expect it. But don’t ask me why


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